Ai Qing Zhuan Wan De Di Fang - Victor Huang & Huang Jia Qian [[*Walk with me through this endless road]]* {Underneath the Stars. <body>
underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

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Friday, July 25, 2008
12:56 PM

people like to tell others only one side of the story. only tell people what is not fair to them then in the end come up to the outcome that is the fault of the other one. do not blame others first and search yourself first.if you want to complain please tell the whole story about what you yourself have behaved and shown to others that others will react in this way back to you.
people around us are so hypocritical, no one can expect that this person will be truthful infront of you and later on back stab sad.
love is meant to be the greatest on earth, but people are making it to seems to be the lowest on earth. everyone have emotions, but if you want to show it to others your own emotion, think twice. it's totally unfair to others. keep lying to yourself, don't work for yourself, kill yourself.
